So, the other day a Triangle resdient told me that he/she had just returned from a meeting and sounds like they will probably be accepted into a major international Biennale. I am not just starting rumors…but you guys can begin the speculation.
Don’t want to say told you so, but you can see that David Webb’s’s imagery is getting simpler (below)! Yup, soon it’ll be just white squares. TWANG!
It’s great to see a French graffiti-influenced painter (Guillaume) coming to the home of modern graffiti and getting to legally “bomb” a wall (below).
Low down on the toast: Finally got to have a conversation with Rodrigo. He’s a great character, very soft spoken, but I was taken aback to hear him mingling Deustch and English words together in the same sentences, with a German accent, when he’s supposedto be from Chile! Turns out he lived in Dusseldorf a few years, aber kennt nur ein bischien von beider Spracher. Glucklich dass ich auch nur wenige Deutsch spreche. Anyway, he’s using the toast because of the visual similarities he sees between the value diffusion in the toasted bits and photographic development. (FYI he actually blow-torches his toast!) Interesting to see his portfolio of more conceptual installation work and hear that he feels “more free” with the materiality of the bread.

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